You need a lawyer if you’re facing a public intoxication charge in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Being drunk in public on Friday or Saturday night may not appear to be a big deal to you.
However, loud and unruly behavior often follows. Crimes such as assault and battery, domestic abuse, and vandalism are all associated with public intoxication. You could land in jail for some time for public intoxication in Oklahoma.
DUI offenses are also associated with public intoxication. Getting convicted of DUI can negatively affect your professional license, which could make it challenging to find opportunities and could end up affecting your ability to provide for yourself or your family.
Getting repeated DUI convictions could result in felony charges against you.
Your Defense Against Public Intoxication
A conviction of public intoxication can ruin your standing in the community. Thus, you need to come up with an excellent defense to get yourself absolved of such charges.
The first thing you will need to do once such charges are filed against you is to get an alcohol counselor. Your lawyer can convince the court that you are doing the best you can to overcome your alcohol problem.
However, you could have public intoxication charges brought against you wrongfully. You could be jubilantly celebrating something, and you get arrested and charged.
You can get one of the experienced criminal defense lawyers in Muskogee to represent you and get the bogus charges against you dismissed. It will make the lawyer’s work easier if you have not had public intoxication charges in the past.
In Oklahoma, it is only legal to consume alcohol in licensed establishments. Okla. Stat. tit. 37A § 6-101
It is a misdemeanor in Oklahoma to consume alcohol in:
• a packed or moving vehicle,
• a streetcar,
• a coach,
• near a depot that is in any way related to any mode of public transportation, or
• on any public street.
The crime is worse when alcohol is consumed in any one of these places and results in disturbing the peace.
If you are convicted of this crime, you could spend 5 to 30 days in jail, pay a fine between $10 and $100, or both.
If you are drunk on the street, you can be taken into police custody for up to 12 hours. The officer can choose to take you home or to a treatment facility. However, the police either must get your consent or file a petition for civil commitment to hold you for more than 12 hours.
If you are found intoxicated in the streets, you can be taken into custody for a period not to exceed 12 hours. You can also be taken to your home or a treatment facility.
The police must get your consent or petition for civil commitment to hold you for more than 12 hours.
You will only be arrested if you resist being taken to a safe place. Okla. Stat. tit. 43A § 3-428
However, if you are drunk and disorderly, you could have charges brought against you.
Low-cost Consultation: Muskogee Criminal Defense Attorney
Our law firm is here to help you.
For a low-cost consultation with an experienced Muskogee criminal defense attorney, call 918-884-7774 today.