DUI Lawyer in Muskogee Helping Individuals Protect their Futures
DUI stands for driving under the influence of alcohol or another intoxicant.
A DUI conviction carries hefty consequences in the state of Oklahoma.
You may have had a drink at dinner and gotten behind the wheel, but that does not mean you are guilty of DUI.
While drinking and driving is never a good idea, neither is accepting a rap for DUI when you’re not guilty of the charge.
Whatever your situation, you need the experienced legal counsel of a skilled Muskogee DUI lawyer on your side.
DUI Testing
If you’re stopped for suspicion of DUI, you’ll likely be given a breathalyzer test, a blood test, or both.
A blood test is generally considered more accurate. They are usually given if you are arrested.
While such tests ultimately produce a number related to your blood alcohol content (BAC), that’s not necessarily the end of the story. In fact, such tests are far from infallible, and a savvy DUI attorney knows what to look for:
- The training of the officer who conducted your traffic stop and sobriety testing.
- The quality of the testing machine used.
- The quality and regularity of the machine’s maintenance and calibration.
- The system by which your blood was tested and how your results were validated.
- How qualified, experienced, and reliable the analyst in charge of your results is.
Many people believe they must accept the BAC results returned to them, but this simply isn’t the case. The truth is that how this testing transpired can play a role in your DUI defense.
DUI Charges
DUI charges run the gamut from misdemeanor DUI to felony DUI, but all such charges carry the potential for jail time and significant fines.
Further, at the time of your arrest, you will be served notice of the revocation of your driving privileges – effective 30 days from the date of notice.
This revocation will be based on one of three reasons:
- If you’re at least 21 and your BAC is .08 percent or higher.
- If you’re under the age of 21 and your BAC is .02 or higher.
- If you refused an alcohol test when you were stopped.
You only have 15 days from the date of notice to appeal the suspension of your driver’s license. Hence, you need to work closely with a Muskogee DUI lawyer whom you trust.
Your DUI Charge
Many people are under the misguided notion that every DUI charge is the same and that you have no choice other than to accept the consequences that come your way.
On the contrary, every case is unique and must be approached on the merits of the evidence and the circumstances involved. Your rights matter.
If You’re Facing DUI Charges, You Need an Experienced Muskogee DUI Lawyer
If you’re facing DUI charges, it’s an extremely unpleasant situation and there’s a lot at stake.
You do, however, have rights, and a skilled Muskogee DUI lawyer will aggressively advocate for those rights and your case’s best possible outcome.
Don’t let DUI charges scare you into thinking you have no options; contact a Muskogee DUI lawyer today. Call 918-884-7774 for a low-cost, confidential conversation.